Benefits of a Classical Education

Our classical model is highly effective in providing students with the knowledge, skills, and character traits to be successful, contributing members of society. Children experience time-tested methods of learning and grow in their understanding and mastery as they progress through the program. 

Top 5 Benefits of Classical Education 

  1. Critical Thinking--Classical education encourages students to analyze information, identify biases, and form their own conclusions. This contrasts with rote memorization and equips students to be independent thinkers. 
  1. Strong Foundational Skills–Classical schools emphasize core skills like logic, rhetoric (communication), and critical thinking. These are seen as essential for navigating information, forming arguments, and expressing oneself clearly – valuable assets in any field. 
  1. Character Development–Classical schools often emphasize building strong moral character, ethics, and self-discipline. This can be through dedicated classes or embedded within the curriculum and school culture. 
  1. Well-Rounded Education–A classical curriculum goes beyond textbooks, incorporating history, literature, philosophy, and the arts. This fosters a well-rounded understanding of the world and cultivates an appreciation for the humanities. 
  1. Communication & Debate–Classical education often incorporates debate and public speaking, giving students a platform to practice clear communication and the ability to defend their ideas 

Our experienced school leaders strongly believe in these benefits – enroll today to get these benefits and more!